Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My baby

This is my youngest son who just turned 1. We feel so fortunate to have him in our lives after waiting many years to be blessed with this angel. Having a baby at 38 years old really is as hard as it sounds. Everyone says it is like starting over. I haven't minded the diapers, the bottles, and the baby clothes.  The hardest part is lack of sleep and working all day. It is so hard to concentrate when I have only had 6 hours of sleep. It also makes me feel guilty that I can't be home with him more. Being a teacher has been the best mommy job in the world. I get to be home with my sons in the summer, and we can do things that we don't have time to do during the school year. Although, I am ready to go back to school every August all excited about starting a new school year.

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